What Are Real Penances?
Written by AJ Baalman on June 11, 2020
From the Catholic Encyclopedia: Penance (As A Virtue)
From the Catholic Encyclopedia: The Sacrament Of Penance
From the Catholic Encyclopedia: On Fasting
From The Catholic Encyclopedia: On Abstinence
From The Catholic Encyclopedia: On Absolution
We need to do this show, because many Catholics, even many clergy do not know what true penance is and so this show we will cover this with Br. Alexis Bungolo and take your questions.
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The obvious question
1. What is true penance compared to the prayers a priest asks you to pray after Confession?
2. Another Obvious question, why haven’t we been taught about true penances?
So this show will cover most of these links of articles and from you the listeners and viewers.
Epic From Ben Sound will be used in the broadcast today at 9 AM to 1 PM Central Time.
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