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Cardinal Siri, Was He Elected Pope?

Written by on June 27, 2020

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By viewer request and we touched upon it somewhat in Who Is Father Malachi Martin? 

It would be interesting to go through his life and learn more about him, who should of been our Holy Father.

Who Is Giuseppe Cardinal Siri?

When did he become a priest and who ordained him?

Talk about how Genoa was at the time in regards how Catholic it was and any infiltration into the seminaries there or any where to begin to corrupt the minds of priests as they are today?

Now, let us go into detail about the Gregorian Pontifical University and when did it become corrupt and very anti-Catholic today, was it this way back then?

What is the school Liceo Classico that he taught at?

When was Giuseppe consecrated a Bishop and who was the Consecrator for it?

What role did he play in the Diocese Of Genoa and did he do anything to help during the Second World War?

Speak on how he became an Archbishop and then a Cardinal?

It is here when he is a Cardinal things become interesting.

What was his role at Vatican II and was he a staunch defender of the Church and all things Traditional when the new craziness was being pushed to radically change the Church?

An unclassified document of the US State Department is said to have caused the College Of Cardinals to not swear allegiance to Siri when he was elected Pope, what can you say about this incident and I heard there were two other times he was elected but the College Of Cardinals did the same thing and chose someone else.

I know it has the Sedevacantists still upset and in full rage to this very day.

What type of Pope would he have been and what important changes do you think would of been made to protect the Church from such things we see happening today and what has happened through infiltration?

What was the relationship of Cardinal Siri with Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre like and when did they have the falling out?  Is it true Cardinal Siri didn’t like Archbishop Lefebvre schismatic activities?

How and when did Cardinal Siri die?

Finally, what is your take, do you believe Siri was elected Pope?

Image was taken by Davide Papalini at Tomba del cardinal Giuseppe Siri, Cattedrale di San Lorenzo, Genova, Liguria, Italia.  Can be used by Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0) No Changes Were Made.  

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