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Our Lady Of Fatima and Our Lady Of Akita, How Are They Connected?

Written by on June 28, 2020

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First, Tell Us The Story Of Fatima and how each visit of either the Angel or Our Lady was important?

Talk about the vision of hell they received and how it destroys what is now taught that hell is empty or no one goes there.

Wasn’t St. Michael about ready to strike when the mayor arrested the three children?

Then tell us about the miracle of the sun and 1 man people do not know who appeared as well during the miracle, St. Joseph. 

Then speak about the Secrets Of Fatima and what does Antonio Socci say about it? I heard his Fatima book is good.

What does Our Lady Of Fatima ask us to do and why it is near impossible to do them with how horrible most parishes are ran? where one can’t do the First Saturday Devotions she requests.

Speak on the controversy still waging, did or did not Pope John Paul II do as Our Lady requested regarding the consecration and why did no Pope ever do it at the 1960 request?

Now, let us touch on Our Lady Of Akita and how Our Lady appeared and caused her statue to weep.

Let us go through the Original First Message Of Akita and how it is so similar to Our Lady Of Fatima

Then let us talk about New Message From Sister Agnes and Our Lady.

How are the messages of Our Lady Of Fatima and Akita united and most especially the missing part of the Third Secret?

I recommend an awesome book Fatima Signs and Secrets by Marianna Bartold on Amazon and Mike Church’s Store

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