Who Is Margaret Sanger and Her Connection To The Nazi Party?
Written by AJ Baalman on July 2, 2020
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Racist, Pro-Nazi Roots Of Planned Parenthood
“Just-Discovered Letter Shows Margaret Sanger Was Part of Euthanasia Society”
“Exclusive – D’Souza: The Hitler-Sanger Connection”
“The Horrifying American Roots of Nazi Eugenics”
“Eugenics in America: The Legacy of Sanger and Gates”
“Bill Gates’ Father, ‘Head’ of Planned Parenthood, Inspired His Abortion, Population Control Views”
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Photo is from CDN Website that no longer exists.
Views: 119
Catherine Rose On July 11, 2020 at 7:29 pm
Great program! Like all your other ones! Please keep doing these shows! Two small notes:
1. Thank you for helping tear the mask off of Donald Trump (as Leo XII told us to do with freemasonry). Because Trump is a FAKE “conservative” and continues to serve the globalists not just with his totalitarian COVID dictates, but numerous other policies enacted and Executive Orders decreed (like EO 13917 where the federal govt takes over ALL food.)
2. We are having trouble understanding your program moderator/host. His audio may need adjusting, as the sound of his voice is muffled and the audio sounds like it has too much bass. This is a bit frustrating because I would like to hear him.
thank you again for everything!