The Life and Early Career Of General Robert E Lee
Written by AJ Baalman on September 1, 2020
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We will be using the Official Biography General Lee by Fitzhugh Lee, his nephew.
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Who Was Robert E. Lee’s famous ancestors?
2. Who are his parents?
3. When and where was he born?
4. Where did he grow up and where did he go to school?
5. What is the U.S. Military Academy known as West Point?
6. How was his time there?
7. What is his role in the Army?
8. Where was he stationed at in his early years?
9. Who was his wife and when did they get married?
10. Can you read some of his letters?
11. What was something he did for Saint Louis that is still there to this very day?
12. What was his first Military Test In War?
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