The Red Pilled Truth On A Biblical Scale
Written by AJ Baalman on September 13, 2020
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The Grandfather Of George Bush Funded The Nazi Party 1 and 2 ,3, 4
George Bush Sr. Helped Kill JFK? 1 and 2 3
Was The Bushes Behind The Murder Of Gareth Jones?
Flight Attendant Sheds New Light On 9/11
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Core Agenda Footnotes
1. Averell Harriman 1913 in Yale and Prescott Bush 1916, They Were Members Of Skull and Bones at least for one year together on campus, but not necessary at Yale as classmates.
2. On Building 7, Yes it was the FBI Headquarters, but the investigation into Bin Ladin was the brother who worked with Bush Jr. In the Oil Business.
Views: 5646
Sandra S. Elam On September 26, 2021 at 8:58 pm
Well, you definately red-pilled me (athough I don’t think you ever explained who Gareth Jones was). God bless you both.
AJ Baalman On September 27, 2021 at 11:05 am
more on Gareth Jones