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Trump and New York Bankers

Written by on October 12, 2020

Reader's opinions
  1. AJ Baalman   On   October 12, 2020 at 9:08 am

    This Comment Came From SalvaNosOMaria “Thank you, thank you for posting this video exposing Trump. It has seemed that the vast majority of the conservatives in America — including even so-called “traditional” Catholics — have been hoodwinked and seriously misled en masse by this playboy and shyster billionaire masquerading as a “conservative” or “patriot.” He continues to be the accomplished actor that we already knew him to be. He does the bidding of his unscrupulous owners and promotes the following globalist catastrophes, (among many other things): 1) his support of the 5G genocidal/omnicidal agenda (“and 6G” to use Trump’s own enthusiastic words); 2) saying he was “PROUD” to be called the “most pro-gay president in US history” ; 3) “warp speeding” the genocidal covid vaccines of eugenicist Bill Gates and other globalist psychopaths of the culture of death; 4) proposing and then SIGNING the USMCA agreement which is NAFTA on steroids. It will take away our sovereignty, override our Constitution, override our property rights with the UN’s Sustainable Development/Agenda 2030, promote all things LGBTQ, and institute climate change regulations & taxes. The covid plandemic came at just the right time to divert people’s attention away from Trump’s US-killing USMCA agreement ratification.

    So much for the MAGA rhetoric and lies. Trump has sealed our demise and has abandoned us to the UN’s technocratic, communist, borderless, one-world totalitarian dictatorship that is taking shape right before our eyes.

    Trump is a puppet of the globalist controllers who are commandeering all world events, and who are also now steering the Catholic Church. Only Our Lady can save us. “

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