Breaking News : Armenia and Artsakh Betrayed!
Written by AJ Baalman on November 10, 2020
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#Armenia was betrayed by 5 known Masonic powers
Turkey, Azerbaijan, Israel, the EU, the USA
The participation of Russia and Georgia in this, leads to the obvious conclusions.
— Ordo Militaris Catholicus HQ (@MilitarisCath) November 10, 2020
#Armenians need to ask questions about what when on in the betryal of #Artsakh.
We recommend an investigation to see if these leaders were members of the Masonic Lodge, like the Dictator of Azerbaijan, and came to an agreement in secret.
— Ordo Militaris Catholicus HQ (@MilitarisCath) November 10, 2020
Europe is the big loser in the #Armenia–#Azerbaijan war, because she remained silent and failed to help the democratic Armenian Republic. The EU keeps betraying Christians inside and outside the Continent!
— Ordo Militaris Catholicus HQ (@MilitarisCath) November 10, 2020
From the news about the War, it seems that the government of #Armenia never wanted to win.
1) Did not form a foreign legion
2) Did not set up public communications to promote raising resources or forces to defend Artsahk
3) Employed the worst kind of static tactics in field— Ordo Militaris Catholicus HQ (@MilitarisCath) November 10, 2020
In addition the High Command did not
2) employ sufficient logistics to keep the troop supplied
3) employ a rotation schedule to give the troops time to rest and heal
4) did not maintain a cohesive front line
5) did not develop infiltration methods to counter drone tech— Ordo Militaris Catholicus HQ (@MilitarisCath) November 10, 2020
The concepts of Battlefield logistics and troop rotation are about 100 years old. Why did the Armenian High Command not prepare or execute such plans to supply and restore the Troops?
— Ordo Militaris Catholicus HQ (@MilitarisCath) November 10, 2020
Consequently it needs to be publicly asked how much did Turkey and Azerbaijan pay the Armenian PM to betray his own people?
— Ordo Militaris Catholicus HQ (@MilitarisCath) November 10, 2020
President of Armenia, Armen Sarkisyan says he was informed about the trilateral agreement for ceasefire from the media.
— 301🇦🇲 (@301_AD) November 10, 2020
See that Covid does not exist, this make the entire public statement seem 100% BS
— Ordo Militaris Catholicus HQ (@MilitarisCath) November 10, 2020
as of Nov. 9, 2020
Yellow is territory taken by #Azerbaijan— Ordo Militaris Catholicus HQ (@MilitarisCath) November 10, 2020
#Armenia must now confront also the possibility of massive charity fraud. For there is a +100 million dollar sum raised by a certain charity which uses Masonic JPMorgan Chase Bank for reconstruction in Artsakh. Monies from Armenians will now go to rebuild #Azerbaijan?
— Ordo Militaris Catholicus HQ (@MilitarisCath) November 10, 2020
Let us never forget that #Azerbaijain‘s war to conquer the native lands of Armenians was in principle a war of aggression and jihad. It will turn out to be the opening of a door to massive genocide and ethnic cleansing of a land where Armenians have lived for 1000s of years.
— Ordo Militaris Catholicus HQ (@MilitarisCath) November 10, 2020
God have mercy upon all Armenians. God protect them. God prosper them. God defend them. And may God give them victory over all infidels.
— Ordo Militaris Catholicus HQ (@MilitarisCath) November 10, 2020
1.960 militares rusos vigilarán el cese de las hostilidades y que #Armenia se retire de los territorios cedidos a #Azerbaiyan. Tras mes y medio de guerra Armenia ha caído bajo el diktat de Putin y Erdogan en #NagornoKarabaj.
— Alfonso Poza (@alfonso_poza) November 10, 2020
Ceasefire agreed under Russian patronage in #NagornoKarabakh. #Armenia holds the northern part of the oblast but will have to cede to #Azerbaijan all the surroundings territories (inc. Lashin corridor) + the city of #Shusha. Russian peacekeepers deployed.
— César Lesage (@cesar_lesage) November 10, 2020
Arguments and scuffles have broken out in #Armenia‘s parliament as protesters angry at a ceasefire deal with #Azerbaijan seized control of its chamber to denounce the country’s leadership. #NagornoKarabakh
— Francisco Taveira (@jftaveira1993) November 10, 2020
#Armenia Secretary of National Assembly in #Artsakh says that its own president gave his approval before the deal was signed by the PM of Armenia.
— Ordo Militaris Catholicus HQ (@MilitarisCath) November 10, 2020
Unrest, Political Crisis Hit Armenia Over Nagorno-Karabakh Losses #RFE #Armenia
— Eye onTranscaucasia (@Scaucasus) November 10, 2020
Armenian parliament. Now. History. #Armenia
— Arzu Jaeed (@ArzuJaeed) November 10, 2020
🚩The opposition of Armenia is preparing a project on deratification of the trilateral agreement signed by the presidents of Russia and Azerbaijan and the prime minister of Armenia.#Azerbaijan #KarabakhisAzerbajian #Armenia #Aliev #Pashinyan
— Azerbaijani Community of Georgia 🇦🇿🇬🇪 (@AzerCommunity) November 10, 2020
Azeris will be living on stolen indigenous lands…doesn’t that sound familiar? Please learn the historical facts before siding with aggressors. #StopAzerbaijaniAggression #StopErdogan #Artsakh #Armenia #ArmeniaStrong
— Christina Kevorkov (@christina_kev) November 10, 2020
Nikol Pashinyan says that Ararat Mirzoyan, Armenia’s speaker of parliament, is currently undergoing surgery after being attacked by a mob tonight. 1999/
— Rob Lee (@RALee85) November 10, 2020
Russia never wanted Pashinyan in power. You can either be a surface thinker or you can think about the past & present. Pashinyan never fit with the post Soviet group of dictators. This was the best option to get him cornered & out.#pashinyan #Armenia #RecognizeArtsakh #artsakh
— Tigran Arakelyan (@TigranArakelyan) November 10, 2020
It is being reported that this deal was not approved by the President nor the Parliament, and therefore is invalid in law.
— Ordo Militaris Catholicus HQ (@MilitarisCath) November 10, 2020
#Azerbaijan‘s president says #Turkey will take part in peacekeeping in #Nagorno–#Karabakh #Armenia
— Press TV (@PressTV) November 10, 2020
Reporter for @ArmeniaNews_ The Armenian PM “Nikol Pashinyan is already in Sochi (Russia) and he arrived there in a Russian military plane. (To be confirmed)”
— Ordo Militaris Catholicus HQ (@MilitarisCath) November 10, 2020
#Armenia PM announces de facto surrender of #Artsakh on #Facebook without consent of Parliament
— Ordo Militaris Catholicus HQ (@MilitarisCath) November 10, 2020
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