Who Is Behind The Kidnapping and Death Of Emanuela Orlandi?
Written by AJ Baalman on March 19, 2021
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From just the beginning of gathering information, it too is connected to the murder of Roberto Calvi, same people involved and as we know from the mobster who came forward in 2012, a lot of this is still unknown because of how high it goes in the Italian Government and Governments around the world.
The Same Mob that killed Roberto Calvi, who wanted their money that was lost in the Banco Ambrosiano, decided to take the girl as hostage to get said money back, but also there was an American who knew Rome, knew all things about the Vatican, Witness Testimony in the book Operation Gladio puts Archbishop Paul Marcinkus with this and that he often visited Emanuela where she was being held.
If you know more about this case, please put it in the comments and we will do our best to verify and then use it for the show.
Watch The Original
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Watch Part Two
The Secrets Of Archbishop Paul Marcinkus
Watch Part Three
What Was John Paul II Involvement In The Disappearance and Murder Of Emanuela Orlandi?
More Information
Secrets Of the Tomb by Austen Ivereign
The Process Of Canonization For Josemaria Escriva
Orlandi, Pietro ricorda il padre Ercole
Mi disse: fui tradito da chi servii
Orlandi, il mistero Vaticano lungo 30 anni
Dirt On Archbishop Paul Marcinkus
Click Book Cover Image To Get A Copy
Image Of Enrico De Pedis is taken from Repubblica Newspaper In 2008 and Wikipedia
Unknown Author of Photo is unknown, but author of piece on De Pedis is GIANCARLO DE CATALDO
On Licensing To Use Photo, Please See Image Below
Views: 862
D Paul On March 16, 2021 at 10:26 am
Without a doubt, this innocent little girl was a pawn. There is a similar case here in Missouri from about the same time period (Angie Houseman). The particulars of this Italian case help me to better understand the motive and agenda for the death of this American little girl. — Her stepfather was involved. A foreign national was involved and stapled her to a tree with arrows. The police establishment knew the entire story and did the “Casablanca gig” by “rounding up the usual suspects. — There are many stories of political murder. The writer Malachi Martin detailed in his book “Hostage to the Devil” how there is active collusion by law enforcement to cover up certain types of sexually involved cases.
Alex On March 17, 2021 at 9:05 pm
Carpeoro (Gianfranco Pecoraro) quando fu interrogato sull’argomento Emanuela Orlandi, parlo’ di una vicenda brutta che coinvolgeva anche il padre di Emanuela. A quanto capi’ dalla sua spiegazione, in Vaticano c’erano 2 fazioni in relazione ad una certa situazione e il padre di Emanuela si era schierato con una di esse. Cio’ che e’ successo ad Emanuela sarebbe la punizione inflitta al padre per il suo comportamento. Carpeoro ha sostenuto che, in realta’, nessuno vuole che si sappia cosa e’ veramente successo, neanche la famiglia di Emanuela. Questo mi sconvolse, perche’ tutti sanno dei ripetuti appelli del fratello Pietro e della famiglia. Ma normalmente Pietro ha sempre ribattuto pubblicamente a chi testimoniava sulla vicenda, ma a Carpeoro non disse nulla.
John Laws On March 19, 2021 at 10:15 am
The Lithuanian background of Paul Marcinkus may yield some insight into his connection to the Fascist International and Global Gladio:
Reinhard Gehlen, who ran Eastern European spy rings for both Nazi Germany and the CIA, could plausibly have had control of the archbishop.
AJ Baalman On March 19, 2021 at 3:31 pm
That is huge. Thank you.
AJ Baalman On March 19, 2021 at 4:15 pm
In 1955, Marcinkus went to Bolivia just as the Socialist Government returned, also in Bolivia at that same time is Klaus Barbie, is there a way to see if they ever met?
Mazara On March 19, 2021 at 2:45 pm
I don’t think they chopped her up and put her in a cement mixer, I’d say she’s in the Catacombs.