The Hidden and Real History Of The Second Vatican Council
Written by AJ Baalman on November 9, 2021
This Is Part One, Where We Tell You The Meetings Before The Council, Meetings Of The American Financial Elite, CD Jackson’s personal meeting with John XXIII and his other notes. See Part Two See Part Three
Meet Dora Jane Hamblin aka Dottie
Click Book Image To Get The Book: 990 Pages, Hard Back, $59 Dollars
Views: 387
Robbi On November 11, 2021 at 12:45 pm
Had no idea. Thank-you for the fyi.
Mary Langdon On November 11, 2021 at 2:43 pm
Excellent…thank you..
.6 months before he died ,PPius 12th in an official statement said that No Communist could be a member of the Catholic Church. John 23rd overturned that edict soon after he was elected. Therefore, Card Carrying Communists were officially welcomed into the Church
Vat 2 was called . John 23rd said he was speaking to Card Martini when he decided to call the Council. In fact, many in the hierarchy were knee deep in preparations way before that.
Time / Life books are interconnected with H Luce .
The American newspapers then gave John 23rd the nickname Good Pope John and he got lots of press coverage. Pope Pius 12th never got any. That’s when I smelled a rat.
Interesting that Life Mag had full coverage pictures of AbrahamZapruders film of the Kennedy Assassination on 11 22 63….which was famous . Kennedy had recently in his last speech said ” Beware the industrial military complex.”.
No one knew how deeply Freemasonry controlled almost every institution at that time. Michael Bakunin, one of the Marxist founders was a 33rd degree Freemason, a Satanist and a Russian Marxist.
Taylor Caldwell in one of her books stated that the American Civil war was planned in the 1840s in London. Who was living in London at this time,? Marx and Engels.., Who went to Lincoln with a military plan to end the American Civil War ? Freidrich Engels, co founder of the Communist party. Through Kuhn Loeb American Jewish financiers , Engels took a skirmish to a brutal conclusion to a win for the North…to unite America for global control over the world by Communism .