The End Of The Catholic Religion As We Have Known It
Written by AJ Baalman on November 10, 2021
In Part Three, We Begin To Look At How The First Session Of The Second Vatican Council Was Conducted Behind The Scenes, It will shock you, but Truth does shock you. All the inside details, meetings you never heard about or were told about. See Part One, Part Two
Meet The Father Of The “Spirit” Of Vatican II
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Views: 285
Heather Morgan On November 17, 2021 at 4:24 pm
Enjoying this presentation. As a convert to the Church, would you explain what you mean by being a “true and faithful” Catholic? I love the “Apostolic” Mass (TLM) now, but sometimes I’m confused when you talk about certain “traditional” groups. Sorry for my ignorance. Pax Christi!
AJ Baalman On November 17, 2021 at 4:40 pm
Being a True and Faithful Catholic is holding onto, practicing the Faith, Doctrines handed down by Our Lord, taught and defended by the Fathers and Doctors of the Church and being faithful to the Magisterium Of The Church and To The Real Pope. When we talk about certain Trad Groups, these groups are formed after the Second Vatican Council, almost spontaneously and are controlled by organizations that are outside the Catholic Church; the same people behind Vatican II and the Deep State.
Mary Langdon On November 22, 2021 at 5:41 pm
In the early1960s I recall the very first time I was jolted into the reality that the Catholic Church was getting ready for a religious and cultural explosion bc of the phenomenan called Vatican2. I was at Mass, which was still the Latin one, and the priest called the Holy Ghost holy spirit The leaflet missals did also.
I thought to myself how is it my whole life the Catholic Church NEVER EVER called the 3rd person of the Blessed Trinity holy spirit.. The name Holy Ghost means a person who is a ghost. Holy spirit could loosely be interpreted as the same meaning but it also caused confusion.
.A new name for God meant a new interpretation of almost everything to do with Him. And the spirit of Vatican 2 came into Catholicism and dumped everything into the garbage dump, including the Latin Mass and Sacraments.And yes morality too.Every aspect of Catholic teaching and morals was scoffed at. The Fatima years were forgotten . Nobody prayed the Rosary. It was mocked by many…even priests. So Brother Alexis posts need not to be watched and forgotten Others need to pick up the mantle and pull apart the threads until the Truth, and nothing but the Truth is finally revealed.As irksome as that might be.