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Written by on December 6, 2021



This Program You Are About To Watch Proves How Important This Book Is
990 Pages: Hard Cover: $59.00

And How Important Our Programs Are Exposing The CIA Vatican II Council


Republished From: FromRome.Info


“Biblical Signs of the End of the World”, a talk by Fr. John O’Connor at St. Peter’s Catholic Church- Chicago, Illinois on October 6, 1979.

In Loving Memory of Father John F. O’Connor, O.P. (July 18, 1929 —December 14, 2006)

Fr. John F. O’Connor, O.P. was an American Catholic priest, who belonged to the Order of Preachers, also known as the Dominicans. He was notable for opposing and foreseeing the future pedophile crisis in the Post Vatican II Church and fought openly against the Freemasonic plots against the Catholic Church. He was severely persecuted for his bravery right up to his death.

On Ash Wednesday, February 28, 1990, O’Connor wrote: “When I made my vow of obedience 40 years ago, it was first and foremost to Jesus Christ, His Mother and St. Dominic and in obedience to them only death will silence my witnessing to the Truth.”


I published this voice track because of the eminent reputation of the speaking, Father O’Connor. But when at last I had the time to listen to the entire video, I found that the version posted here was made by a Sedevacantists who introduced heretical doctrines and false accusations into the video, in images.

Sedes are a very dishonest lot. They were founded by a pedo and so they hate Pope Benedict XVI most of all, who expelled from the priesthood more than 500 of their kind.

At about 22:00 there is an image of Fathers Karl Rhaner and Joseph Ratzinger, with the claim that both were declared under suspicion for heresy. That is false.  Suspicion for heresy is not something the Holy Office declared.

After that there is a claim that the new sacraments are invalid. That is also false.

So, as there are other probably egregious lies and falsehoods in the images, ignore the images, which certainly would not have had the approval of Fr. O’Connor.

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Views: 42

Reader's opinions
  1. Elena   On   May 7, 2023 at 8:37 pm

    Fr. John O’Connor was a great courageous Dominican Priest that was cancelled by his sodomite superior. Fr. O’Connor was a guest on “What Catholics Believe” several times with host Julius Smetona, a program by the SSPV.

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