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Meet Our Second Commandery Of Ordo Militaris Catholicus

Written by on March 10, 2022


Br. Alexis was thinking of St. Stanislaus Of Szczepanow Bishop and Martyr, killed by my uncle King Boleslaw II and we thought he was the son who rode with King Jon III Sobieski, but that was James Louis Sobieski; also a Great Catholic!

If you want to help Ukraine in many different ways; either boots on the ground fighting the Russians, logistic support either in monetary or on the ground in Poland or our Humanitarian Relief Fundraiser, click the Photo Below



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Reader's opinions
  1. Robbi   On   March 11, 2022 at 2:10 pm

    Thanks be to ‘The Most Holy Family’ who were guided in Saint Joseph’s dream to travel to Egypt for guiding you to find CONVENIENT shelter at a for a reasonable fee to begin the work to help those in dire need.
    Wasn’t aware of where the terrible reputation in the west concerning Poland began since it’s been long known of the Polish people and nation to be extremely CLEAN, INTELLIGENT, forthright and Catholic, REAL CATHOLIC as my Great-Grandmother, Grandparents and Mom. Your answer was simple and wholly rational. Knew it was a fundamental predicament for the Poles but didn’t know it originated with the hatred of the Masons. The Poles, Hungarians and Ukrainians have been maligned and persecuted by this Satanic evil LONG ENOUGH.
    The Church of ‘Our Lady’ being bombed is not going to bode well for Pootain…Jesus will NOT allow this sacrilege towards his Mother’s blessings for Ukraine. Ukraine, Poland and Hungary ARE God’s ‘Cities of Light on the hill’ in Europe and it’s going to be SHOWN TO THE WORLD.
    It is the Holy Spirit animating those fighting with the very courage of Jesus within the Ukrainians at this time. I KNOW IT…I FEEL IT WITHIN MY SOUL AS I LAY IN THE DARK PRAYING BEFORE SLEEP and when I’m awakened to pray again. Your efforts create such joy deep inside the soul. May God continue to Bless You in these endeavors.
    I don’t have much money since my ex-husband (an utterly malignant narcissist) totally destroyed my life. But, I’m looking to some family and friends to try to find something to send you. Again…Blessings!

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