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Month: May 2022

Page: 2

Who is this lady? Well, she use to do fiances and then decided she wanted to blog at her blog. She was one of the early ones to see what happened with Pope Benedict XVI and now, she has become unhinged.  She’s always been very angry & as this post from 2012, she was a […]

  Watch On Rumble Watch On Odysee  Watch On Bitchute    Putin’s People: How The KGB Took Back Russia And Then Took On The West $27.99 Hardcover Click To Get A Copy The Men Who Made Putin 1. Alexander Volshin 2. Mikhail Kasyanov 3. Yury Kovalchuk 4. Gennady Timchenko 5. Nikolai Patrushev 6. Sergei Ivanov […]

On Tuesday, we will do this show and cover at least these 17 names and places, there are a lot more. This will expose Trump and who he truly is and how he made all his money.

Americans have become soft, we no longer know how it was back when the Greatest Generation was formed in hard times and hard work. Now, when we see a Christian Nation being attacked unprovoked by Russia, we see the horrors of Bucha, Irpin, & else where the majority rush to side with Russia and the […]

  Since the War broke out in Ukraine & the weird and very demonic reaction to us wanting to help Christians in Ukraine & now, it has become a clear that it is a Mental Illness affecting a good number of people.     I ran into this👇 during the Dot Com fraud & the […]

If you don’t want to get training and go to the front, we do need non-military volunteers to help out in Kyiv and help with injured vets. Call & see how you can help us.

I’m not sure where my nearly 4 million visitors are on the website, but we are not seeing views like we have before. On YouTube, views are down and minus 3 subscribers are down too. Again, have you no heart, no stomach for what is going on in Ukraine?  Is that why you no longer […]

We are here and We call on your support, Watch Video Below     Ukrainian Refugees  Donate Full Military Packs If You Want To Volunteer With Ordo Militaris Catholicus, See How Possible Job Offers Views: 1