Is The SSPX A Gladio Operation?
Written by AJ Baalman on October 24, 2022
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The Father Of Marcel Lefebvre is René Lefebvre, A British Spy in World War I and World War II. It was highly probable that he was recruited because he was already a Royal Arch Freemason.
A Screenshot From The Book The Brotherhood: The Secret World Of Freemasons
Click PDF Link To Read The Book For Free
Stephen Knight_The Brotherhood The Secret World Of The Freemasons_1983-1985_104pp
Marcel’s sister, Marie-Thérèse Lefebvre married Guy de Toulemond, they went to Columbia in 1949, and we know the Lefebvre supported the Vichy Government in France and they made their way to South America via the Ratline that went from Rome Italy to Argentina via Cardinal Caggiano in 1946, last people who arrived was in 1950.
The company her husband started in Columbia called Omnes and they make Ballistic Fabrics
The Genealogy Of Guy de Toulemond
For Further Reading
Learn About Archbishop Lefebvre connection to Freemasonry himself and the Freemason who ordained him.
License To Use Image Is CC BY-SA 3.0
Views: 1452
John On October 25, 2022 at 9:31 am
Thank you thank you thank you!
After Traditionis Custodes was published I fell into the error of thinking that without the threat posed by the SSPX to Catholic bishops, the Tridentine mass would not exist in the Church. I even arranged an SSPX mass in my town (which by the grace of God was cancelled). Then I read many of your posts about the SSPX and I began to have doubts, but missed the knock out blow to be fully convinced that SSPX is a Gladio operation. This show did it.
One question, which link confirms that to be a member of MI5 one has to be a freemason?
AJ Baalman On October 25, 2022 at 10:51 am
since the founder of MI5 was a Mason and that in the BBC state broadcasting used the Freemason Hall as MI5 location in their TV Program Spooks, that he would want his fellow agents under him to be like him. I will keep searching and hope it shows up for the actual article again.
John On October 25, 2022 at 9:34 am
Small correction: it’s ColOmbia and not ColUmbia
John On October 25, 2022 at 9:49 am
Thank you thank you thank you!
After Traditionis Custodes was published I fell into the error of thinking that without the threat posed by the SSPX to Catholic bishops, the Tridentine mass would not exist in the Church. I even arranged an SSPX mass in my town (which by the grace of God was cancelled). Then I read many of your posts about the SSPX and I began to have doubts, but missed the knock out blow to be fully convinced that SSPX is a Gladio operation. This show did it.
God Bless you!!!!!
BTW, where does it say that to be part of MI5 one had to be a freemason?
Giovanni Giuseppe On October 25, 2022 at 10:53 am
If the source was mentioned, I missed it.
M On December 5, 2022 at 5:00 pm
Questions for AJ and Bro. Bugnolo:
1. Bro, Bugnolo said, at 16:47, “The traditional Society of St. Pius X has been vigorous in promoting the Traditional Latin Mass but insisted that Catholics who attend remove themselves from any kind of political activity. And they’ve closed 9 out of 10 Mass sites, so they’ve been neutralizing and reducing independent traditionalism in the Catholic Church.”
Does this mean that the purpose of the TLM is to neutralize Catholics from becoming politically active, aware and involved?
2. How can the father of Arbp. Lefebvre have both true Catholic faith mixed with his membership in the MI5 and Freemasonry that are the number one enemies of the Catholic Church? You cited that “he was a devout Catholic who attended Mass everyday and almost all his 8 children became priests and nuns! Was their religiosity a cover-up for his gross betrayal to the Catholic Church?
St. Paul said, “You cannot drink the chalice of the Lord, and the chalice of devils: you cannot be partakers of the table of the Lord, and of the table of devils.” (1 Corinthians 10:21 DRB) Obviously, these hypocrite Catholics are doing it!
AJ Baalman On December 6, 2022 at 4:44 am
To Question 1, Br. Alexis says no and to Question 2. Only God alone knows.
101 On March 7, 2023 at 2:13 am
I am reading this book from the 80s to see if I can find more info.
AJ Baalman On March 7, 2023 at 10:29 am
make sure to read Operation Gladio also.