Take A Look Back On How The American Republic Has Fallen
Written by AJ Baalman on October 26, 2022
We will be going back to our program of December 30 2020 and now see how right we were in that program.
Watch Today’s Program
Watch On Rumble
Watch On Odysee
Please Watch That Program
If you want to fight this and help restore America back to our Christian Founding
Views: 41
Michelle Mailloux On October 27, 2022 at 10:45 am
Fantastic video. You are both speaking TRUTH. Jesus Christ is King!
I would love for some Catholic men to step up in my country, in my city, and take the lead on starting a Catholic Party, which I would 100% support. [I don’t think it would be right for a woman to lead.]
God bless you both abundantly and may our Lady protect you always!
Robbi On October 28, 2022 at 8:21 pm
Never argued with your positions concerning the 2020 Election…KNEW it would be the way it is. WAS EASY ONE TO DISCERN. Can’t believe people actually question your logic and ability to discern…And, insult/argue with you. When did the citizens of the U.S. become so STUPID AND IMMORAL? People became SPOILED AND LAZY, it seems. Gradual change was visible and erosion of ethics/morals was gradual until 2016 when all suddenly plummeted. Been a TERRIBLE ride.