Who Are The Rhode Scholars?
Written by AJ Baalman on October 28, 2022
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We will look at who the Rhode Scholars are and what legendary basketball team they played for.
Also, we will touch on 1 of their scholars who created a branch to the Pilgrim Society, J. William Fulbright and Fulbright Program and How The CIA Secretly Supports Scholarships
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Views: 92
Robbi On November 2, 2022 at 2:35 pm
The more the ACTUAL hidden history of the United States is presented in relationship to the world, the more it’s obvious it appears Citizen Patriots have been USED as the British Empire’s Pit Bulldogs on the world stage and for stealing U.S. Resources for their personal use. Financial Slavery and Intelligence/Federal Law Enforcement is as successful to control and TAKE A COUNTRY as Military Force which could not provide THE U.S, ITS CITIZEN SLAVES AND RESOURCES they desperately needed for re-colonization.
Just curious…LA Senator, John Kennedy went to Oxford for Law and I didn’t hear his name mentioned among the other Rhodes Scholars…Many who I already knew from other sources. Was he listed among the scholars, and I just missed hearing his name?
AJ Baalman On November 2, 2022 at 3:08 pm
interesting, his name was left off, I will go looking for it and see.
AJ Baalman On November 2, 2022 at 3:25 pm
Robbi, great catch. Yes, Senator John Kennedy is connected through the Order Of The Coif, an organization with members connected to the Rhode Scholars and Yale’s Skull and Bones. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Order_of_the_Coif