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Month: October 2022

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Watch The Original Watch On Rumble Watch On Odysee In this program next week, we will show the similarities of the Puritans and the Traditionalists and how their way of life and their prayer books are very similar; including the dates of the 1662 Puritan Missal and the 1962 Missal all the Traddies swear by […]

Watch The Original Watch On Rumble Watch On Odysee If you have forgotten, we mentioned who Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen is in Traitor Priests Program On Our Vatican 2 Program  Who are his so called “Converts” and are they converts? Heywood Broun Elizabeth Bentley Bella Dodd Louis Budenz Clare Booth Luce Views: 10761

Please See Our Complete List Of Programs On The Real Vatican II Council No One In The Month Of October Actually Did This Program, Because No One Took The Time To Investigate Who Really Called & Controlled The Council. We will also touch on How To Understand What Is The Doctrinal Warfare Program Watch The […]

Watch Dr. Jane and Br. Alexis Live At 6 PM Central, 7 PM Eastern, 5 PM Mountain, 4 PM Pacific Views: 2696

 Watch The Original Watch On Odysee Watch On Rumble In This Speech Of Viktor Orban, He Shows How Evil He Is & How The Rothschilds Control Europe Musi nastąpić zawieszenie broni. Natychmiast, inaczej zginą tysiące ludzi, a wojna wtargnie do Europy. To mówi Papież, to mówi Kissinger, Hamermas, amerykańscy Republikanie. I ja. Natychmiastowe przerwanie ognia, […]

Watch On Rumble Watch On Odysee   On Our Program Of October 10th 2022, Christian Politics, What It Is & What It Is Not, Has Been A Huge Hit On Rumble, but not so on Odysee. While Yes, we do have another OMC Radio TV Program scheduled, it is Political Season and Need To Press […]

Watch The Original Watch On Rumble Watch On Odysee     Do you want to remain to be slaves to the system or do you want to break free and restore that Freedom Loving American Spirit? Stew Peters had someone on to talk about this, but neither Stew or his guest said very much, but, […]

Watch Part One Watch Part Two Watch Part One On Rumble Watch Part Two On Rumble Watch Part One On Odysee Watch Part Two On Odysee Watch Our Previous Program: Talking Points For All To See There is this Political Action Committee Called ‘Catholic Vote‘ and from their name you would assume they are truly […]

  It finally hit us, we’ve uncovered anything and everything of the Globalists, except 1 organization, The Jesuits. So, we will give our thoughts on the Jesuits. Watch On Rumble Watch On Odysee We will talk on many things regarding Ignatius Of Loyola and other things & if the Jesuits need to be suppressed again. […]

It is nearing the Holidays, on November 15, Advent begins in Ukraine and so many homes, families, churches have nothing and are in ruin. Where our guys go with the liberating force to bring in the supplies for the towns, horrors not seen since the 2nd World War of gold teeth in boxes, implements of […]