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What Are The Church’s Teachings Regarding Converts?

Written by on November 19, 2022

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Some Things That Might Of Been Censored In The Video

“I wanted to be transparent around $4k to do all the internet expenses to reach you the viewers and can handle the traffic.”Br. Alexis

To Catholic Converts, You Too Need To Be Transparent, Put That You Are A Catholic Convert & Not Yet An Expert On The Catholic Faith

What We Said About True, Normal, Actual Converts, “they are the most humble, they come to the parish and ask the priest on what books should the read, then they read them, then they come to sign up for RCIA, attend that with greatest humility and respect.  Once they are baptized, they don’t jump right into teaching, they are respectful and not push the cradle Catholics away, but come, ask questions, learn even more, even show up to Catechism Instruction and learn. It isn’t until years, 5 to 10 years, do they begin to help teaching Catechism or some form of work at the Parish”


Okay, we did the Funny Money, Architect Of The Doctrinal Warfare, The Money That Flows From DC, now we will get into the Church’s Rules on Converts and why what Talking Heads Brand New Converts Aren’t Following.

Some Examples On Twitter

Popular Protestant YouTube host announces decision to convert to Catholicism

Pints With Aquinas

Who Is Cameron Bertuzzi?

Why Is Cameron’s wife making Hindu/Satanic Horns?

Meet The Real Rad Trad, Bashing Cradle Catholics

Views: 506

Reader's opinions
  1. Randall   On   November 19, 2022 at 9:42 am

    Thank you for this show, specially the show notes that help do further research in view of the attempts to censor the main show. I watched both in Odysee and the OMC channel to ensure I was able to get the show contents.

  2. Mayra Garcia   On   November 19, 2022 at 5:38 pm

    In your opinion do you think converts to the Catholic faith are easier target for the intelligence agencies to recruit than cradle Catholics?

  3. Michelle Mailloux   On   November 20, 2022 at 7:10 am

    Yes, indeed, in our times especially, we should be turning to the Church Fathers and the Saints if we want to be true followers of Jesus Christ. That was a VERY important point that you made Br. Bugnolo. We should also study the catechism and know what our beautiful Catholic Faith teaches, not only so that we can love our Lord more deeply, but also to protect ourselves from the many popular online voices who may be there to purposely deceive us. One may not listen to them a whole lot, but many of us have friends that do and will often bring up these popular speakers in conversation. I personally do not listen to most of them (too much of a waste of time!), but I will admit, I have listened to a few good Tim Gordon talks about the evils of feminism – which served as apologetic courses for me. I’ve also not minded Dr. Taylor Marshall, but at the end of the day, the only people (as you pointed, brother, in this video and another) who really deserve our full support (spiritual and financial) are those religious who have given up everything to serve our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ!
    It’s sad to see that Matt Fradd’s, “Pints with Aquinas” channel has over 400,000 subscribers (I think that Dr. Taylor Marshall has over 500,000) and priests like Fr. David Nix has just under 17,000. This dear priest offers online catechism courses (right now he is going through the Roman Catechism of the Council of Trent), and bible studies in which he refers to the teachings of the Church Fathers. He, in my opinion, deserves way more support than what he is receiving right now.

    • Robbi   On   November 21, 2022 at 5:06 pm

      You might enjoy Fr. Chris Alar from The National Shrine of the Divine Mercy out of Stockbridge, MASS. He has a special Sat. Topic generally lasting about 1.5 hours and every first Sat. is ‘First Sat. Obligations’ and focuses upon different Marian Apparitions. I, too, enjoy your suggested Online Bloggers plus a few Exorcists. Never heard of Fr. David Nix, but going to look into his instruction.

  4. Steve KNIGHT   On   November 21, 2022 at 9:44 pm

    THANKYOU so much for another excellent programme, AJ & Brother Alexis!

    As a 2012 convert from the Church of England, I empathise with everything you have pointed out and now I can see, more clearly, why it is that I never trusted so many of the ‘false prophets’ of the internet such as Taylor Marshall and John-Henry Westen.
    And you have already exposed the nefarious CIA-linked funding behind the organisations that Michael Matt & Michael Voris front, also the dubious connections of “New Catholic” at Rorate Caeli.
    ‘Father Z’, though a convert from Lutheranism many decades ago, IS to be trusted as regards his detailed knowledge of the Roman liturgy and Rome itself [also food & drink!]. As yet, he has not declared to public gaze that Benedict XVI is Pope, though his many oblique references to Bergoglio and the Vatican cabal suggest that Father Z knows the truth of the papal situation.

    Pax vobiscum.

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