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Who Has Locked Down Oxford? An Investigation Into The Council Members

Written by on December 6, 2022

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Meet The Parties Involved Who Locked Down Oxford

Leader Of The Council: Liz Leffman 
“Liberal Democrat Green Alliance (Liberal Democrat Member)”
“I have run my own business with my husband since 1992, providing quality control and manufacturing services to clothing companies. I was a founder director of Southill Solar, a community solar farm built outside Charlbury in 2017, which now produces enough renewable electricity to serve the needs of the town. I was a trustee of Citizens Advice West Oxfordshire for seven years until I stepped down in 2019 and have also been a trustee of Young Dementia Homes UK, which will shortly be building a facility in Charlbury.”

Councillor Liz Brighouse OBE

“Leader of the County Council’s Labour Group. Worked in the voluntary sector in Oxfordshire for 20 years. A board member of South East England Development Agency, taking the lead on social inclusion and European issues. Sits on the MKOB Learning and Skills Council. Married with two children, two step-children and six grandchildren. Hobbies include learning Russian.”

Councillor Glynis Phillips

“Born in Wales and moved to Oxford in 1973.  Worked in the local Civil Service up to 1990 and in London for 5 years in the Department of Health on physical disability issues.  Joined the NHS in 1995 and worked in performance management, mental health services and public health.  Trustee of Oxfordshire charity SeeSaw which provides grief support for children.  Interests include cinema, theatre, gardening and grandchildren.”

Councillor Jenny Hannaby

“A resident of Wantage since childhood and recently retired from family Building Company. Wantage Town councillor since 1995 serving four terms as Town Mayor. A member of Vale White Horse District Council, elected in 2003 Elected to County Council in 2008. Has three adult children and seven grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Interests are supporting Local Community Groups, art and travel.”

Councillor Dr Pete Sudbury

Councillor Andrew Gant

“Studied at Cambridge, Royal Academy of Music, and Goldsmith’s College.  Professional background in Church Music, holding posts at Westminster Abbey, the Royal Military Chapel, Selwyn College, Cambridge and Worcester College, Oxford.  Organist, Choirmaster and composer at Her Majesty’s Chapel Royal, 2000-2013.  Composer and author of several books on musical subjects. Stipendiary Lecturer in Music, St Peter’s College, Oxford.”

Councillor Duncan Enright

“Former Mayor of Witney and West Oxfordshire District Councillor for Witney East, Duncan runs his own award-winning specialist publishing company and is director of a leadership development organisation. He is Deputy Leader at West Oxfordshire District Council.”

Councillor Calum Miller

“Calum Miller lives with his wife and four children in Islip, within the Otmoor division that he represents. He is the Chief Operating Officer and Associate Dean of the Blavatnik School of Government, Oxford University, where he oversees the administration of the School and co-directs teaching and research programmes. Previously, he was a senior civil servant and worked at the Treasury, Foreign Office and Cabinet Office.


Calum chairs the governors of a local primary school and is a junior rugby coach. He is a keen runner, cyclist and tennis player.”

Councillor Tim Bearder

“Tim Bearder worked for the BBC for 12 years where he wrote for News Online, presented a local music programme and reported on BBC South Today.  He grew up in rural Oxfordshire but was born in South Africa, leaving when he was just one-year-old.  Tim now runs a successful film and production company specialising in social and political campaigns including the legalisation of medical cannabis and justice for frozen pensioners living abroad.”

Councillor Mark Lygo

“Mark Lygo (Labour) is a County Councillor for Marston & Northway Division.  Mark is also a Oxford City Councillor for Churchill Ward and Board Member for Parks, Sports and Events/Culture.  Labour Spokesperson on Oxfordshire Joint Health Overview & Scrutiny Committee.  Mark has also raised money for many local charities.  Married with two children. Hobbies include: tennis/football/running/swimming, reading and culture events.”

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