Rest In Peace Fellow Catholic Independent Investigator!
Written by AJ Baalman on January 20, 2023
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A lot of noise is going on and I will do my best to set the stage on the last time we ever heard from him and separate false from truth. This one is for George! He became a fan of ours, loved what we have done and followed me for more.
A source close to McCarrick tells me that he still talks to his “nephews,” such as Cupich, and the pope. He arranged for his protege Knestout to be chairman of the US bishops’ “abuse” committee so that Knestout could run interference for him during his criminal trial next year.
— George Neumayr (@george_neumayr) December 23, 2022
The reason for McCarrick’s continuing power in the Church is blackmail, according to my source. Plus, Teddy can get all the deep-pocketed prelates under his spell of blackmail to ostracize and financially starve any bishop who defies him: “He still runs things in the Church.”
— George Neumayr (@george_neumayr) December 23, 2022
I am tangling with some dangerous forces here. Should something happen to me, close readers of my tweets will know why.
— George Neumayr (@george_neumayr) December 23, 2022
This is what Michael Hichborn of The Lepanto Institute Says
Regarding the death of @george_neumayr, here is what we know from CONFIRMED sources:
1) George was sick seven days ago.
2) George steadfastly refused to go to the hospital.
3) The US Consulate tested his body and confirmed that he tested positive for malaria.— Lepanto Institute (@LepantoInst) January 20, 2023
This Is What George Says Just 5 Days Ago
Some of the French food and African dishes are good. But some of the food is sketchy. On Saturday I got violently ill from some kind of food poisoning and was wiped out for much of the day.
— George Neumayr (@george_neumayr) January 15, 2023
Yes, I feel better, thanks.
— George Neumayr (@george_neumayr) January 15, 2023
Now, there are special medicines you can get at the pharmacy to treat it, The same old stuff our guys got in WWII in the Philippines: quercetin and doxycycline.
What was George into?
Remember when he traveled to Argentina to expose Bergoglio?
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