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Message To Randy, Son of Jack Ryan: Dear Randy, I hope you are watching. Please comment, we would love to hear from you as we get closer to touch on your dad’s murder and share what we have found.

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After his little boy was back to good health, he decided to end his career at the FBI and become a Professor at Michigan State University & it was around this time problems in Vietnam were beginning to rise up & the French Catholic President of Vietnam needed help & knew of Catholics at MSU who could help, here we begin to learn a lot of details.

From Dr. Antony Sutton book National Suicide: More Trade and More Casualties; how the Viet Cong got their supplies & from who. 

See Episode OneEpisode TwoEpisode Three,Episode Four, Episode FiveEpisode SixEpisode 7Episode 8Episode 9Episode 10Episode 11Episode 12, Episode 13, How The Family Reached Out.



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Views: 1248

Reader's opinions
  1. Catherine Walsh   On   February 20, 2023 at 12:42 pm

    Very much intrigued by the life of Jack Ryan. My father was a staff sargeant in the marines during WWII, married after the war, then my sister and I came along. When I was just barely 2, my dad contracted TB, and my sister and I were consigned to the State Sanitarium for TB exposure. I think TB was quite common back then b/c you don’t hear of it so much anymore. My dad had to quit law school, was hospitalized 14 months, and we little ones for 9 months. Everything went upside down. Just wanted to share that, as Jack Ryan’s life touches so much my early life.

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