What Is The Religion Of The Antichrist?
Written by AJ Baalman on July 19, 2023
We Previously Talked About The Antichrist in our 3 part series by St. Hildegard von Bingen
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In this program, we will help you to understand what this passage means and how it makes perfect sense for our time with that invention we use multiple times of the day.
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Views: 43
Catherine Walsh On July 21, 2023 at 10:08 am
Thank you so much for this!!!!! My sentiments exactly re: C. Niles and the lack of charity and love of God!!!!! which is our primary work!
Elena On July 23, 2023 at 10:39 am
Thank you A J. Baalman and Bro. Alexis for a clear and well explained account of Scripture on the AntiChrist and the Prophesies of St. Hildergard of Begin!
My only conflict is Bro. Alexis promotion of who I use to follow, Fr. Isaac Relyea. Since I found out so much on SSPX by your very knowledgeable research on SSPX and many topics I discovered that Fr. Isaac Relyea is a SSPX priest. Please let me know if that is false..
Seems like Fr. Relyea is seeking to find the True Church in all the Wrong places.
AJ Baalman On July 23, 2023 at 6:24 pm
Fr. Relyea is not SSPX