Why The Continual Cover-Up Dance By The Vatican, Even To This Very Day?
Written by AJ Baalman on August 20, 2023
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In Part Three Of This Investigation Series Into The Murder Of Pope John Paul I, we go into why the Vatican since his murder to this very day, has done the cover-up dance regarding the truth of his murder and who actually killed him inside the Apostolic Palace.
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Mazara On August 26, 2023 at 7:21 pm
If his medicine was tampered with ,he may have vomited ,people instinctively avoid getting sick on their bed and bend over the edge, his slippers may have had vomit on them,hence they had to be got rid of.It would make sense that he would have called out if he got sick. If he had a bad heart ,he would not have accepted the Papacy,he would know it was beyond his strength to fulfill its duties.