The Destruction Of The Faithful By Weakening The Advent Fast
Written by AJ Baalman on December 1, 2023
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This year, we barely have 3 weeks to prepare ourselves for the coming of Our Lord when He is born in Bethlehem and I want to touch on when the Roman Church did away with the Apostolic Teaching of the 10th Month Fast to prepare ourselves for Christmas.
The Eastern Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church continues this ancient fast and preparation, some call it St. Philip’s fast or the Christmas Fast.
I will read and let Br. Alexis comment on the Apostolic Letter of Pope St. Leo the Great on the 10th Month Fast and then get into when the Roman Church did away with it and weakened the preparation for Christmas.
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Views: 32
Steve KNIGHT On December 11, 2023 at 7:07 am
Many thanks for another excellent show.
Very interesting…and sobering…to learn about the gradual diminution of Fasting requirements in the Church since the 19th century……
Pax vobiscum.
Sue On January 19, 2024 at 7:43 pm
Thank you AJ for the book recommendation, I really enjoy reading the books you quote on the show and appreciate the links you provide making it easy to find the right copy.
AJ Baalman On January 21, 2024 at 7:06 am
you’re most welcome