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How Important Is It To Make A Good Confession
Written by AJ Baalman on December 17, 2023
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Why has the Sacrament Of Confession seems to be not taken seriously in the Latin Church but is in the Byzantine or Ruthenian Catholic Churches? Well, since the CIA Operation To Destroy The Faithful In The West via Vatican II and the Doctrinal Warfare Program, we are told to read their approved books, which are not the Fathers of the Church or Eastern Catholic/Orthodox Books to learn what isn’t taught anymore, especially by the Latin Rite Clergy on proper Confession.
I hope we can get into this & even share from this PDF & discuss it.
A Confession Which Leads to Humility
How To Make A Valid Confession
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AJ Baalman
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Jordan On February 29, 2024 at 6:50 pm
I can affirm, without any risk of not speaking for several others, especially those of lower income, that I would greatly appreciate audio-only feeds being an option. Nowadays, unless one has a hardwired connection into their home, there is no such thing as a truly unlimited plan for bandwidth except for the most expensive options. It is hard to digest your back catalog, entirely aside from how hard it is to sort through the episodes and glean the ones that had an official broadcast from the ones with published notes and no presentation, when one has to spend a certain amount of premium bandwidth to stream the episodes. This won’t stop me from steadily consuming our catalog, interrupted the last 10 days of each month by the limits of streaming availability, but I suspect these difficulties cause an overall depression in the willingness of some viewers to familiarize themselves with the corpus of work already accomplished.