The Globalist Elite Are Terrified Of Original Pre-State Laws On The Books
Written by AJ Baalman on April 10, 2024
The reaction coming from the GOP; Kari Lake; who pretended to be Pro Life to become the Governor of Arizona came out against her own state/territory’s law against Abortion, now Trump has come out again, showing he is just a con-man hoodwinking the religious/pro-life voters to get his power back.
Let us look at the 1864 Arizona Territory Law the Arizona State Supreme Court Enforced:
“Sec. 45. Every person who shall wilfully and maliciously administer or cause to be administered to or taken by any person, any poison or other noxious or destructive substance or liquid, with the intention to cause the death of such person, and being thereof duly convicted, shall be punished by imprisonment in the Territorial prison for a term not less than ten years, and which may extend to life. And every person who shall administer or cause to be administered or taken, any medicinal substances, or shall use or cause to be used any instruments whatever, with the intention to procure the miscarriage of any woman then being with child, and shall be thereof duly convicted, shall be punished by imprisonment in the Territorial prison for a term not less than two years nor more than five years: Provided, that no physician shall be affected by the last clause of this section, who in the discharge of his professional duties deems it necessary to produce the miscarriage of any woman in order to save her life.”
Those who perform the abortion and even the mother, could face jail time. This is what is needed to protect every life, even in the womb; to make sure both the malicious “mother” and “father” who willed this baby to die, shall face punishment.
Same goes for the butchers who do the slaughter and I hope even those in the school or whomever willfully pushes the unwed mother to murder her child.
This is what Trump said:
REPORTER: “Did Arizona go too far?”
TRUMP: “Yeah, they did — that’ll be straightened out. As you know, it’s all about state’s rights. It’ll be straightened out. I’m sure that the governor and everybody else are going bring it back to within reason.”
— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) April 10, 2024
By these laws of when our States were Territories, we can reform America and take America back from these elites who are destroying this nation and this is what Catholic Party For America is all about, dusting off all the old but still lawful and legal laws; thanks to Arizona; and re-enforcing these laws to take power away from the bloated Federal Government and hand it back to the States & Local governments.
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
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