The Society Of St. Pius X Controlled By Rothschild Money
Written by AJ Baalman on June 30, 2024
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The Report On The SSPX and Rothschild Money
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John On July 6, 2024 at 7:16 am
Excellent show once again.
I wanted to share an interesting piece of information I found about Marcel Lefebvre when looking into the background of his coconsecrator, Bishop Victor Fauret who also taught at the major seminary in Libreville, Gabon.
In 1963, he sent Bishop Marcel Lefebvre who was Superior of the Holy Ghost Fathers, a letter criticising him for being too personal the management of the congragation and for not listening to his confreres.
This is exactly the comment Br Bugnolo made. He said, “that he never shared his motivations with fellow members of his religious Congregation and that not a single member of that Congregation joined him in his course of opposition. This is highly unusually, since in religious life, a religious has so many friendships and personal relations with his confreres that it is neigh impossible to hide one’s intentions or feelings”. This letter is a confirmation of Br Bugnolo’s suspicions.
Bishop Victor Fauret makes reference to the disappointment of some brothers of Superior General Bishop Marcel Lefebvres’ support for the Word and the Catholic City. Can you ask Br Bugnolo what this means?
Here is the link :