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Information On The Gunman 
So right after donating $15 bucks to a Democrat Organization, he left to become a Republican.
The Location On Google Maps Of The Building and Area Where Stage & Fans Were
The T-Shirt Is This
Who Is Demolition Ranch?
It is a Popular YouTube Channel and also a Gun Club via their video
The man behind Demolition Ranch

Huge Secret Service Failure 

The Case File We Mentioned About MK Ultra being used on an inmate

Who Is J.D. Vance?

Who Is J.D. Vance’s Wife?

Is J.D. Vance Pro Russian and Profit From It?

If you want real change, real saving America back to Jesus Christ and the Founding Fathers, Stop Looking At The Shiny Objects Put Out By The Masons with the GOP, Democrat and The Masonic Independent Party. Look At

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Views: 13000

Reader's opinions
  1. Jamie   On   July 16, 2024 at 5:06 pm

    Vance converted to Catholicism in 2019. I saw a photo of him at the Wailing Wall wearing a Yarmulke. He’s also good friends with Pete Thiel, co founder of PayPal and first outside investor for Facebook.

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