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In doing OMC Radio TV I like to investigate things like this and then seeing the hardly no reaction to ignore reaction by Catholics.  In this program, I want to look at what has caused this new Psychology in Catholics these days.

Why They Are So Pro Masonic Government, Big Pharma, Deep State; those who never change about the Republican Party which is Anti Jesus Christ by them striking down the Constitutional Amendment from the Constitutional Convention Of 1875 to put Jesus Christ into our Constitution.

Now, they are Pro Trump; even when this year alone he has done more Pro Sodomy events, even his wife Melania has & it doesn’t bother them.Next, They Are So Easily To Agree With Anything That They Become A Weapon Of Propaganda

When they are shown the true option on how to restore America back to Jesus Christ and the Christian Founding Fathers, they scoff & say “it will never work.”  Then they ignore the suffering of Persecuted Christians, they might write articles on what is going on, but they ignore the call to stop the problem, that is Ordo Militaris Catholicus.

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