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It Aired On August 5th 2024 at 9:57 AM Central Time

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In this program, we will go through the real history proven years later once FBI, CIA, British Intelligence Files were finally declassified and those who dug it up were finally proven right.

Here is a search result from the CIA’s own website preview

FBI Documents On Adolph Hitler, actually show that he has been seen and found, I will link that PDF of files here: Hitler In Argentina Files 1
The Rest can be read online for free at Internet Archive By Clicking The Image
From The British Newspaper The Independent On Bormann’s Death
The Second Documentary You Should Watch By Mark Felton
The First Documentary/Movie On Evidence Gathered In Argentina
Those Behind The Documentary/Film
How ABC News Hunted Down Nazis

We Know It Was The Red Cross who issued Bormann and Himmler with papers, that is proven; but who paid for all of this?

The Point Man
This New Information From This Book On Who Paid For The Papers: Pages 184-185
All The Bishops Involved In The Ratlines
So What Main Bank Would The Nazis hide their stolen money?
But The Main Bank Still Together, Still Owning Stocks Of The Original Companies That Put Hitler Into Power & Never Had To Have Multiple Merges: Brown Brothers Harriman
The Entire List Of Companies Brown Brothers Harriman Own Stock In
Images Of Adolph Hitler, Martin Bormann, Heinrich Himmler Are From The Bundesarchive and License To Use Them Is: CC BY-SA 3.0 DE

Views: 40804

Reader's opinions
  1. Steve KNIGHT   On   September 6, 2024 at 12:20 am

    Amen & AMEN to John’s comment!!

    The “Father of Lies” and his wicked spirits have been working tirelessly since World War II to deceive everyone about the identity & location of the many high-ranking Nazis that were not killed during the 1939-45 conflict.

    But the Allies who ‘won’ WWII are/were not the real ‘victors’……
    Christus vincit; Christus regnat; Christus imperat.

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