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Will Be Recorded and Airing In The Near Future, Will Publish It So You Can See The Info For Now

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In our shows on Gladio, we were just touching the tip of the evil inside the Church, what Journalist Paul L Williams knew at the time was correct, but it took a CIA officer to retire in 1968 and write the history book on the OSS and in that 400 plus page history book, oh we learn so much more than Operation Gladio and how men who went on to become Popes had their hands dirty in World War Two; not just the Rat Lines.

Future Pope Paul VI and many others were involved in The Vessell Project, which including helping the U.S. Military decide where to drop bombs on Japan.

Our Show will be on The Licio Gelli/CIA Network Of Popes and we will go through the names that Archbishop Vigano dropped in part one of his interview with Taylor Marshall who are the most dangerous men in the Vatican right now.

The Names

Pietro Parolin

Victor Manuel Fernandez

Edgar Pena Parra

Arthur Roche

Jean-Claude Hollerich

Here is the book by Richard Harris Smith, Click The Image To Get A Copy
Here Is Paul L. Williams’ Book
Click Book Cover $18.00 Paperback or $12.49 Kindle and Audio Book $0.00

Please Listen To This Part IV Where They Go Through The Book By Mr. Smith

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