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Three Hours Ago, Historian Mark Felton released his latest findings and it confirms everything OMC Radio TV has said about the Bank Of International Settlements

Please See All Our Reports Down Below

Please Watch All Our Programs On The Bank For International Settlements

  1. What Goes On At The Secretive Meetings?
  2. What Is The Real History Of The Bank For International Settlements?
  3. Who Is Behind The New Recession?
  4. Who Is Montagu Norman & His Connection To The Bank For International Settlements?
  5. Meet The Club House Of The Bankers
  6. The Rape and Destruction Of Czechoslovakia
  7. How Any Country Can Be Erased Silently
  8. Why and Who Created The European Union?
  9. The Main Reason Why The European Union Was Founded
  10. Welcome To The New Europe
  11. The Rise Of The German Phoenix 
  12. Bankers Who Sent People To Their Death
  13.  The Desk Murderers
  14. The Rise Of The Tower Of Evil
  15. How The BIS Handled Numerous Economic Disasters At The Tower Of Evil
  16. The Rise Of The Second Tower
  17. America Fell To The Second Tower Of Evil
  18. The Creation Of The Real Eye Of Mordor
  19. The Power Of The Eye Of Mordor Grows
  20. The Citadel Of The BIS Begins To Crack
  21. The Citadel Cracks, But It Remains

Click To Get A Paperback Copy $14.15


Views: 130

Reader's opinions
  1. Steve KNIGHT   On   October 11, 2024 at 1:41 pm

    WOW! What a cabal of reprehensible criminals/scoundrels/villains, on both sides of WW2!!
    Chapter 6, verses 9 & 10 of St Paul’s 1st Epistle to Timothy was constantly ‘on my mind’ whilst watching this:-
    “For they that will become rich fall into temptation and into the snare of the devil and into many unprofitable and hurtful desires, which drown men into destruction and perdition. For the desire of money is the root of all evils; which some coveting have erred from the faith and have entangled themselves in many sorrows.”

    It is strikingly ominous that Argentina features so strongly in these nefarious links with Nazi Germany, bearing in mind the nationality of the man who currently occupies the Throne of Peter……

    OMC Radio TV’s extensive research and multiple programmes on the BIS merit huge thanks & appreciation as we all can now broaden our knowledge in this respect.

    Christus vincit; Christus regnat; Christus imperat.

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