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Biography Of Antony C. Sutton
“ANTONY C. SUTTON was born in London in 1925 and
educated at the universities of London, Gottingen, and
California. A citizen of the United States since 1962, he was a
Research Fellow at the Hoover Institution for War, Revolution
and Peace at Stanford, California from 1968 to 1973, where he
produced the monumental three-volume study, Western
Technology and Soviet Economic Development.
In 1974, Professor Sutton completed National Suicide: Military
Aid to the Soviet Union, a best-selling study of Western,
primarily American, technological and financial assistance to the
U.S.S.R. Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler is his fourth book
exposing the role of American corporate insiders in financing
international socialism. The two other books in this series are
Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution and Wall Street and
Professor Sutton has contributed articles to Human Events, The
Review of the News, Triumph, Ordnance, National Review, and
many other journals. He is currently working on a two-part study
of the Federal Reserve System and the manipulation of the U.S.
economic system. Married and the father of two daughters, he
lived in California.”
On July 17th 2002, Dr. Antony C. Sutton died in Reno Nevada.
“In the 2009 reprint of America’s Secret Establishment, Kris Millegan had the following to say about the death of professor Sutton:
Read A Great Piece On Sutton
Antony Sutton-Champion Of Truth Op-Ed The Life and Work Of Antony C. Sutton
Visit Antony C. Sutton’s Website
All 17 Programs Exposing The Deep State
1. The Red Pilled Truth On A Biblical Scale
2. The Real Terrorist Organization, Skull and Bones
3. Wall Street and The Rise Of Hitler
4. How The Democrats Started The Russian Revolution
5. Christendom or Skull and Bones College?
7. General Electric Funded Adolf Hitler
8.The ‘Detente’ Aggression Cycle
10.Standard Oil Fuels World War Two
11. Taking Down The Handlers Of The Deep State
12.More Trade, More Casualties
14. Censorship and Our Military Assistance To The Soviet Union
15. Who Financed Adolf Hitler?
16. Helping The Russians At Sea
18. Wall Street Nazi Collaboration In World War Two
Our Own Investigation Where Antony Sutton Left Off
18. The Oxford Conspiracy Against America
19. The Pilgrim Society: The Plan For World Domination
20. The Deep State Behind All Liberal Companies
21. Is Parler A Deep State Operation?
22. How The CIA Controls Catholic Media
23. Exposing The Scamdemic As A Diabolical Plot Against Humanity
24. How The Deep State Controls The United States Congress
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