Terrorism In The World
Written by AJ Baalman on November 15, 2020
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Armenians getting ears cut off by Azerbaijani Terrorists For Not Leaving Artsakh
هر خبرگزاری ایرانی باید این فیلم را ببیند که در آن سربازان آذربایجانی گوش غیرنظامی ارمنی را می برند. این جنایت جنگی است. #آذربایجان #قره_باغ #ارمنستان https://t.co/Pfm4BGYBjk
— Aroutin Hartounian (@HartounianEsq) November 15, 2020
Islamic Azerbaijani “soldier” screams ‘Allahu Akbar’ while standing atop a desecrated church that’s been seized in occupied territory in Armenia
Thousands of Armenian Christians have been killed. Thousands were given days to leave their homes!pic.twitter.com/c8WS32x1Oq
— Amy Mek (@AmyMek) November 15, 2020
The Armenian Ministry of Defense issued a statement denying that it has sold weapons to Turkey, adds that the documents were presented in a distorted way. https://t.co/V68rFt0Ejw
— 301🇦🇲 (@301_AD) November 15, 2020
BREAKING: Militants fighting on the side of Azerbaijan wanted to enter Iran
Three Iranian border guards were killed in a clash in the northwestern part of the country, in the province of West Azerbaijan – RIA
— 301🇦🇲 (@301_AD) November 13, 2020
Poland Independence March Update
“The Ministry of Interior issued a statement claiming our reports on the abuse is out of context, the brave police did not attack photojournalists. A shot from a smoothbore gun from a distance of several meters into the cheek of a reporter was certainly accidental.” ! https://t.co/W66tAfDuLY
— Ordo Militaris Catholicus HQ (@MilitarisCath) November 15, 2020
TŁUCZENI METALOWYMI PAŁKAMI, KOPANI… osoby z flagami, młode dziewczyny, reporterzy… W oczach ludzi jesteście BANDYTAMI. Poczytajcie w Internecie, jak rośnie wściekłość na to, co zrobiliście 11.11 i czego nie zrobiliście przez ostatnie tygodnie. @PolskaPolicja @Policja_KSP https://t.co/IULJ6Q98mD
— Marsz Niepodległości (@StowMarszN) November 13, 2020
Ścieżka zdrowia dla dziennikarzy, reporterów i zwykłych uczestników Marszu Niepodległości. To jest to “profesjonalne zachowanie policji”? Komendant Główny do dymisji! pic.twitter.com/1JFfiRDy0t
— Robert Bąkiewicz (@RBakiewicz) November 13, 2020
Zarejestrowane materiały wideo i zdjęcia z wczorajszej agresji policji wobec uczestników Marszu Niepodległości oraz dziennikarzy wysyłajcie nam na adres: agresja.policji@gmail.com pic.twitter.com/1PswdqmfPB
— Robert Bąkiewicz (@RBakiewicz) November 12, 2020
Spanish Police have arrrested a woman in #Valencia who planned to travel to Syria to join ISIS.
She wanted to become a martyr and was going to marry a jihadist terrorist based in Idlib#Spain https://t.co/dgw0Pgbham— JihadiThreatMonitor (@jihadi_threat) November 13, 2020
UK Coronahoax Police Terrorism Against Citizens
The only crime left, not wearing a mask. https://t.co/Cf6Dl7W56T
— Ordo Militaris Catholicus HQ (@MilitarisCath) November 15, 2020
Britain: Two-Stepping Toward Totalitarianism Gatestone Institute
Europe’s Lax Security Aids Islamist Terrorists Gatestone Institute
Islamic State Beheads 50 People In A Soccer Field
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