Support OMC Radio TV
Broadcast on the Internet from Western Kansas, Ordo Militaris Radio TV is an apostolate of Andrew J. Baalman, our co-founder, who is a physical descendant of Charlemagne and all the royalty of Europe. His cutting interviews and investigations are opening a new horizon to independent Catholic talk radio. All support you give to this apostolate goes to equipment and costs to maintain Ordo Militaris Radio TV operation. Mr. Baalman receives no personal remuneration for this holy work.
To support OMC Radio TV, we invite you to sign up for a Subscription,of $5 or more a month. These funds will be donated by Ordo Militaris Inc. exclusively for the acquisition of new equipment, studio improvement, and costs to operate and produce programs. None of the monies go personally to A. J. Baalman, who does all he does for the love of Jesus Christ and His Church.
To Support OMC Radio TV, you have a variety of options:
1. You can make a Free Will Donation as a Subscription, using PayPal or a Credit Card:
FIRST METHOD is a one time payment:
Chose from the drop down menu a Level of Support, which you would like to pledge, monthly:
2. You can Make A Donation, in the memo of your check, put Ordo Militaris Radio TV and Address the check to Ordo Militaris Inc.
Ordo Militaris, Inc.
302 N. Last Chance Gulch, Suite 409
Helena, MT, 59601
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