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OMC Radio TV Studio Fundraiser


I want to ask you to help me with my dream.  I’m disabled, vax injured, not able to work, home bound, health destroyed and a descendant of every Catholic King Of Europe.  By doing my Apostolate Of Ordo Militaris Radio TV, I am dedicating my life to the defense of the Church.  I do not raise money for myself, if you love the Church like I do, please donate to my studio fund, so we can build a proper studio and make these videos more professional.

To make a donation, please click the button below. if you are considering to make a donation larger than $1,000, it is easier and cheaper to do it by bankwire.

Include In Your Bankwire STUDIOFUND


Account Name: Ordo Militaris Inc.
Swift/Bic: CMFGUS33
Account Number: 822000407002
Bank: Wise, 30 W 26th Street, Sixth Floor, New York, NY 10010, USA


This Is What I Hope Will Be In The Studio

This Is What I Hope Will Be In The Basement/Living Quarters For Our Guests Who Come For Interviews

IN CAPITALS that they must include the Message/Reason for the bankwire as STUDIODONATION




IMAGE CREDITS: This Image Used Is Only For Illustrative Purposes – Image by Samuel Morazan from Pixabay


*Funds donated are not tax-deductible. This Studio Fund has been established by Ordo Militaris Inc. of Helena, MT, USA for the sole purpose of supporting the apostolate, “Ordo Militaris Radio TV” under the direction of A. J. Baalman.  All funds received will be set-apart exclusively for the purpose stated and no amount will be received or used by our corporation for other purposes. Donors can individually inquire as to the use of their gifts. Our list of donors, however, is not publicly available and we guarantee anonymity, as much as the law allows, to all who participate in this fund. No third parties are involved in the raising of these funds and your personal information will not be used for any other solicitations by our corporation or by third parties. — Refunds may be requested via contacting our office in Helena, MT

Views: 497