Christmas Then and Now In America
Written by AJ Baalman on December 12, 2023
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As it is getting nearer to Christmas, this OMC Radio TV/Catholic Party For America program, we will look at how far we have fallen in properly celebrating the Birth of Our Savior. After we share what goes on thanks to this sick and twisted culture, we will share what was done back then & what we propose to return to and how to do it.
Holiday Traditions in Colonial America and the Early Republic
How Christmas Trees Became Popular In The 1800s
Christmas Carols In The Early 19th Century
We will also get into the real date of the birth of Our Blessed Lord.
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Views: 324
Mary Langdon On December 18, 2023 at 2:42 pm
Greensleeves was written by King Henry 8th before he left the Church
AJ Baalman On December 18, 2023 at 2:53 pm
It is a romantic myth that King Henry VIII wrote it for one of his many wives, but the style of writing was only seen in Italy. The type of writing the Christmas Carol is more likely Elizabethan in origin. It was written by Richard Jones at London Stationers’Company in September 1580.