Help Us Keep Defending Our Blessed Lord and Holy Mother Church This Christmas Season
Written by AJ Baalman on December 21, 2023
The Fundraisers
The OMC Radio TV Studio Fundraiser
Immediate Studio Equipment Fundraiser
To our benefactors, I want to thank you for your support for the Apostolate in your donations either for equipment or for the studio fundraiser; so we can build a proper studio and try to get around the censors.
We are around 6,000 views away from reaching 11 Million. To those who can’t donate, please keep us in your prayers and share our programs anyway you can. This way our videos can be seen by many more.
To those who can. If you like our programs & want our programs to become even more professional, if we are reaching Millions of People, show it by helping us to build the physical studio with the professional equipment, so in the new years our programs will progress in becoming more professional & not messed up when the computer is slowed down in live broadcasts or banners being flipped on us.
If you can donate to both fundraisers, God bless you. If you are able to just donate to one, thank you and God bless you. But we need greatly are both monetary benefactors and those who advertise for us by sharing our programs.
Thank you for all you have done and let us keep this going as long as possible.
Have A Few More Days Of A Blessed Advent, May This Christmas Season Be A Blessed One and A Happy & Blessed New Years.
Aj Baalman, Studio Manager.
The Fundraisers
The OMC Radio TV Studio Fundraiser
Immediate Studio Equipment Fundraiser
Views: 103