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To Investors, Learn Why Investing With Ordo Militaris Catholicus Is The Best Choice
Written by AJ Baalman on March 1, 2024

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My dear sirs and ma’ams, be patient with Br. Alexis and I, on this program, we are not professional marketers in regards to pitching the investments with Ordo Militaris Catholicus.
There are three stock offerings:
“Y01 through Y99 Stocks Series is dedicated to the capital expenses to set up a Basic Combat Training Camp and a US National HQ. To obtain a copy of the prospectus”
“Our Series T01 through T99 Stocks Series is dedicated to the capital expenses to establish foreign subsidiaries.”
“Our CrossAzure.Net Stock Series A is dedicated to the development and maintenance of the CrossAzure.Net social media platform. ”
Then You will see on the website, other ways to invest with the Order. It is time to stop doing business with the globalists and stop investing with them & invest with an organization whose mission it is to help stop Christian Persecution.
Click Image and Follow The Steps To Invest
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