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Meet The Protestant Side

Gab/Andrew Torba Two Latest Emails
Meet The Catholic Side
Meet Those Behind Catholics For Catholics
What Globalists Are Behind The Push Of Christian Nationalism?
Pilgrim Society and Rothschilds.  The Protestant Notion of Christian Nationalism is also connected to Christian Zionism.
Why Won’t Christian Nationalism Work, It Caused Two World Wars, Gave Us Benito Mussolini, Adolph Hitler, Franco & gave rise to an idea of
But, deep down, their handlers don’t want the Constitution changed or Christianized,
It was tried in 1874 and the Republicans killed it.
What their handlers will not support and will not want, is the restoration of America back to the Christian Founding Fathers & the Christian Form Of Government, Articles Of Confederation

Which is why the Fake Catholics Promoting Christian Nationalism, Do Not Want Anything To Do With

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