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First PDF Is The Full Fake Confession Liturgy That Crux Covered
Second Is Toned Down Version By The US Conference Of Catholic Bishops
Third is the article by Catholic Herald and Cardinal Muller’s criticisms On The Fake Confession Liturgy
Cardinal Müller criticises Vatican penitential ceremony over its ‘checklist of woke and gender ideology’
We will be also covering this too
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The Images Used
About The Image Of Cristobal Lopez Romero By Croberto68 – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=89903936
About The Image Of Michael Czerny by Juan Della Torre CC BY-SA 4.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/

Views: 121

Reader's opinions
  1. Mary Langdon   On   October 7, 2024 at 3:56 pm

    The whole Catholic world is in mortal sin for apathy That means that for people who think they are going to Heaven automatically are in for a big bad surprise. Believing God wills all religions as paths to Heaven is about as anti Catholic as anything I have ever heard a Pope say.

  2. Steve KNIGHT   On   October 8, 2024 at 6:41 pm

    Many thanks for this most robust and much-needed critique of the nefarious & sinister Synod – or more accurately, SIN-odd! Verily are all these shenanigans masterminded from hell……
    I’d always thought that Synods were a protestant ‘construct’ where the clergy & laity voted together on matters of administration or whatever they think is “Doctrine” with the majority-vote winning just as in a political election. And now, five centuries after the vile birth of protestantism, all the major denominations are self-destructing especially here in the UK with increasingly smaller, elderly congregations unable to attract any younger folk……
    As regards GOD’s impending wrath and destruction of parts or all of planet earth, Mike Adams of Brighteon.com & Natural News/Health Ranger has been giving an interesting series of sermons related to various books of Sacred Scripture, especially Apocalypse/Revelation where he links the oftentimes dramatic chapters & verses to cosmic impacts from asteroids and/or comets. Mike is a Christian though not a Catholic thus some of his utterances are debatable but, overall, I consider that he “hits the nail on the head”:-
    So, when sometime soon we see an increasingly bright light in the sky which is not the sun or moon, we better get down on our knees and pray fervently……
    Christus vincit; Christus regnat; Christus imperat.

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