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Editor’s Note By Br. Alexis

“This is an explosive report from Mark Felton, which, when added to the fact that John Paul II was recruited by the CIA and made the CIA founder, Dulles, own nephew a Cardinal, shows who is really running the Vatican — and it’s not those loyal to Jesus Christ.In fact, when you trace the sources of the money, it now makes total sense why John Paul II made the founder of the St. Gallen Mafia a Cardinal and promoted their members to the episcopate and cardinalate. The story that he made Bergoglio a cardinal for opposing “liberation theology” is thus seen for what it is, a canard, to hide that both men were intimate partners in a Neo-Nazi network of power brokers and bankers, from Himmler to the Italian Freemason Gelli, who founded the P2 Lodge and who controlled Catholic book publishing in Italy.”

Please Watch All Our Programs On The Bank For International Settlements
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  2. What Is The Real History Of The Bank For International Settlements?
  3. Who Is Behind The New Recession?
  4. Who Is Montagu Norman & His Connection To The Bank For International Settlements?
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  8. Why and Who Created The European Union?
  9. The Main Reason Why The European Union Was Founded
  10. Welcome To The New Europe
  11. The Rise Of The German Phoenix 
  12. Bankers Who Sent People To Their Death
  13.  The Desk Murderers
  14. The Rise Of The Tower Of Evil
  15. How The BIS Handled Numerous Economic Disasters At The Tower Of Evil
  16. The Rise Of The Second Tower
  17. America Fell To The Second Tower Of Evil
  18. The Creation Of The Real Eye Of Mordor
  19. The Power Of The Eye Of Mordor Grows
  20. The Citadel Of The BIS Begins To Crack
  21. The Citadel Cracks, But It Remains

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About The Images Used

Portrait Of Pope Francis By Quirinale.it, Attribution, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=129042272

Image Of Heinrich Himmler By Bundesarchiv, Bild 183-S72707 / CC-BY-SA 3.0, CC BY-SA 3.0 de, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=5369449

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