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Author: AJ Baalman

Page: 36

Watch The Original Watch On YouTube Watch On Rumble Watch On Odysee Looking at the book I got for Christmas, the copyright is a good one & nothing saying you can’t share from it, so, we will. We’ve done the KGB/FSB, Putin and more to come on this, but we will now learn about the […]

Almighty and ever living God, who has vouchsafed to the Church that there would be in perpetuity successors in the Apostolic See of St. Peter, so that the spotless bride of Jesus Christ, Holy Mother Church, ever have a true shepherd to guide and protect Her: HEAR US WE BESEECH THEE! That THOU raise up, […]

Watch The Original Watch On YouTube Watch On Rumble Watch On Odysee Ukraine News Sounds of families in aftermath of Russian missle strike trying to dig loved ones out of 10 stories of rubble. Many children are among the dead. pic.twitter.com/NFDD8MACk3 — Jay in Kyiv (@JayinKyiv) January 14, 2023 The video from Dnipro shows people […]

The Church of Rome is the Church which received the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost, the Church presided over by Saint Peter throughout his entire life, the Church which he brought and planted in this ancient terrestrial imperial capital, so that from Her the light and grace of Christ’s Heavenly Kingdom might flow […]

Watch The Original Watch On YouTube Watch On Rumble Watch On Odysee Breaking News   Please Support Armenians in need ♥ Please Donate Food or Clothes to #ArmenianFoodBank ♥ Please Help to Save Armenian children in need ♥ God Bless you !https://t.co/dCcumeX7zv #HumanRights pic.twitter.com/zo8C0lBxXi — ARMENIAN FOOD BANK Charity Fund (NGO) (@ArmenianBank1) January 11, 2023 […]

Please Watch My First Report & Here is my second report from 5 days ago on the blockade, I will update you on the new stuff happening and what you should do, if you truly are a Christian and have a heart.  There are children stuck in Armenia, separated from their parents in Artsakh, there […]

Watch The Original Watch On YouTube Watch On Rumble Watch On Odysee See Episode One: Who Is Vladimir Putin Really?, Episode Two: The Beginning Of Putin’s Rise, Episode Three: Why Did Boris Yeltsin Choose Vladimir Putin? Please Watch Our Show How The Rothschild Control Russia and Azerbaijan We will be using this book for the first shows Meet […]

Watch The Original Watch On YouTube Watch On Rumble Watch On Odysee For 25 days Azerbaijan has blocked the #Lachin corridor, cutting off access to the only road connecting Armenia and Artsakh. 120,000 peaceful civilians are being held captive with the prospect of starvation looming.#NagornoKarabakh#StopAzerbaijaniAggression #ArtsakhBlockade — Diaspora High Commissioner’s Office (@DiasporaGovAm) January 5, 2023 […]

Watch The Original Watch On Rumble Watch On Odysee So, what U.S. Military Division was founded by Skull and Bones? The 10th Mountain Division. How it started, it all began with 2 ski instructors, Hannes Schneider and Sig Buchmayr.  Schneider was the creator of the Arlberg technique, Buchmayr was the teacher who came to teach […]

In and around 2005, the Army Recruiters were coming around, we did the Asvab test, I did well, but I wanted to do it better, so I was able to take it again in a few months.  It was around this time, the school nurse was coming around every week; not for everyone, but for […]