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Author: AJ Baalman

Page: 40

Watch The Original Watch On Rumble Watch On Odysee Learn About Our Membership Policy   CLICK TO SUPPORT CROSS AZURE BY BECOMING AN INVESTOR FOR $1 DOLLAR! Views: 649

Watch On Rumble Watch On Odysee With the continued demotion of our account at Aj Baalman and Ordo Militaris Catholicus, two accounts exposing Globalists and helping Persecuted Christians, why is Elon demoting us and hiding our accounts?  Who is the real Elon Musk?  We will find out and tell you everything.   When you log […]

Part One Original Part One On Rumble Part One On Odysee Part Two Original Part Two On Rumble Part Two On Odysee We will look at her life on Wikipedia We will talk about how she fought and defended the Faith and her numerous battles, which made her a target. Then we will talk about […]

Watch The Original Watch On Rumble Watch On Odysee Some Things That Might Of Been Censored In The Video “I wanted to be transparent around $4k to do all the internet expenses to reach you the viewers and can handle the traffic.”Br. Alexis To Catholic Converts, You Too Need To Be Transparent, Put That You […]

Watch The Original Watch On Rumble Watch On Odysee In This One Show Page, We Will Link Everything About Edward P. Lilly and his Design For The US War On The Catholic Church. List Of CIA Documents Declassified Once Bergoglio Was Elected How The CIA Recruited Americans To Become Catholic Outstanding and Eye Opening Interview […]

  Watch On Rumble   Watch On Odysee Today’s Catholic Party Video On H.R.8404 Bill To Defend and Promote Gay Marriage, while discriminating against Christian Marriage See The Amendments By The Senate The “Respect for Marriage Act” Stacks the Deck against Religious Freedom By Timothy Cardinal Dolan In his closing remarks of today’s @SFRCdems hearing […]

Watch The Original Watch On Rumble Watch On Odysee Massive Update Kremlin praises US for its response to fall of missile in Polandhttps://t.co/MEEg5q1mWC pic.twitter.com/os4WBkq3mX — Ukrainska Pravda in English (@pravda_eng) November 16, 2022 Now, why would the Kremlin Praise The US On How It Responded, Unless, It Was Truly Another Side Of Russian Propaganda That […]

We seek out the poorest of the poor, who are being forgotten in the enormity of the present conflict in Ukraine! — Please consider helping the #Christians of #Ukraine this #Christmas!https://t.co/MrBM3UnQ4X — Cross Azure – КРОСС АЗУР (@CrossAzureUKR) November 14, 2022 Click Image To Help Cross Azure Views: 144

Watch The Original Watch On Rumble Watch On Odysee Tomorrow, We Will Debunk The New Russian Propaganda That Has Been Released About Ukraine, “That Ukraine was used by FTX Traders To Wash Money in Ukraine” Jim Hoft, Editor, Creator, Of Gateway Pundit pushed this fake story on Ukraine: Jim Hoft Got The Exclusive On Letter […]

Please See Br. Alexis’ Amazing Article: The CIA PLAN FOR THE DESTRUCTION OF THE CHURCH, JUNE 29, 1953 A. D.   We will discuss Chapter 3 and Chapter 33 In Volume One Of The 2nd Edition, Where This Is Put Together   Click To Read The May 5 1953 Document, Which Was Scheduled To Be […]