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Author: AJ Baalman

Page: 59

Now, we introduce you to Luce’s wife, Clare Boothe Luce If you thought Mr. Luce was a piece of work and piece of dirt, you haven’t seen nothing yet.   Click To Get The Book Views: 18712

Our Next Program, We Will Look and Dive Into The Life and Career Of Henry Robinson Luce.   Update On Henry Luce The Article Comes From The Tennessean, the morning daily from Nashville. Pg 26A. Sunday March 7 2004 by Bob Dart More Photos   Exposing Vatican II and The People Behind It! Click To […]

This is the beginning of many 5 part series into the CIA’s Doctrinal War Program That Changed The Catholic Church.   Also Watch With This: THE MEN BEHIND VATICAN II & FIRING OF GENERAL DOUGLAS MACARTHUR Click To Get Volume One For $25.00 Click To Get Volume Two For $25 Here Is Every Episode Regarding […]

Apologies In Advance, Video Quality Is Horrible On Skype, Our Last Video Exposing Another CIA Agent Caused Them To Alter Our Skype and Put Us Into Slow Motion.     CIRCULAR LETTER FROM OUR GRAND MASTER on Religious Exemption for Members of our Order from the so-called “Covid-19 Vaccines” (text / pdf)https://t.co/eAzOiYdbBM which members can […]

  As we said in our program: ‘Who Is Behind The Kidnapping and Death Of Emanuela Orlandi?‘ we would spill the beans on Archbishop Marcinkus. You will see some famous gangsters listed and in the show you will learn how they are somewhat connected & why it deals with Archbishop Marcinkus.   The Dirt On […]

  Click Photo Of Cover To Get A Copy Of The Book Click Link For PDF Book sutton-national-suicide Click Link For PDF Book Sutton – Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler (1976) Click Image To Get Book Support Ordo Militaris Radio TV Click To Support Ordo Militaris Radio TV   Views: 11054

        CIA Operation Cyclone A Horrible, Immoral and Vulgar Movie With Tom Hanks: Charlie Wilson’s War   Support Ordo Militaris Radio TV Click Here To Support Ordo Militaris Radio TV Views: 14401

Today’s Program we will tell you what you need to do if you have been jabbed.  We are not medical professionals, but these are actual medical tests that can be done to see what is going on with your blood after you take the jab.     1. https://medlineplus.gov/lab-tests/homocysteine-test/ 2. https://medlineplus.gov/lab-tests/d-dimer-test/ 3. https://www.medicinenet.com/c-reactive_protein_test_crp/article.htm 4. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diagnostics/4053-complete-blood-count […]

We bring you once again, another expose book by Doctor Emanuel Mann Josephson, where we will show you who are behind the horrible, fake and heretical Second Vatican Council I believe, these are the men behind the scenes who carried out a hit, to make it look like an accident; to kill General George Patton […]

  How many remember a weird movie from 1976 with Gregory Peck and all the greats in a sci-fi/horror movie called The Boys Of Brazil? It gave me nightmares as a kid, but as my investigating skills get even better, so does my asking questions; questions some people would not even want to ask or […]