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Author: AJ Baalman

Page: 70

Listen To The Program On Mixcloud and Please Share It Watch The Program On YouTube Watch The Program On Bitchute #Armenia was betrayed by 5 known Masonic powers Turkey, Azerbaijan, Israel, the EU, the USA The participation of Russia and Georgia in this, leads to the obvious conclusions. — Ordo Militaris Catholicus HQ (@MilitarisCath) November […]

Watch The Program On YouTube Watch On Bitchute Listen On Mixcloud If you truly watch our shows and learn from them, you know that this current election and Presidential Candidates Are Controlled Opposition, Trump: Brown Brothers Harriman, Biden: JP Morgan.  Partners In Starting The Soviet Revolution and Selecting and Bringing To Power Adolf Hitler. We […]

Listen To Today’s Program On Mixcloud Watch The Program On YouTube Watch The Program On Bitchute   #TERRORALERT: Belgian police has arrested two minors in Eupen, Liège for planning terrorist attack targeting police. #Belgium https://t.co/LD6zd1e1I8 — FJ (@Natsecjeff) November 5, 2020 Portland: Antifa smashed out the windows of Saint André Bessette Catholic Church in downtown […]

On Wednesday, We Will Learn About This Suppression Of Information and everything behind it and how it started and where it started. It is truly timely for the 2020 Election.

Listen To The Program On Mixcloud Watch The Original   Watch On Bitchute  So, all those Americans and American Companies, Wall Street who helped bring Adolf Hitler to power, did they commit treason and was there an arrest warrant for them?  Yes, there was. To Get Sutton’s book in PDF Form, Click Link Below Sutton […]

Listen To The Program On Mixcloud Watch The Original   Watch On Bitchute Those who lived during the Cuba Missile Crisis, you will be totally upset when you learn how everything was Political Theater and that the “State Department Gave Approval To Those Soviet Vessels Carrying The Missiles To Cuba.” That is just one of […]

Listen On Mixcloud  Watch The Original   Watch Today’s Program On Bitchute   It is time to dive deep into all companies and people who Financed Adolf Hitler and name names and places even more in Chapter Seven. To Get Antony C. Sutton’s Book In PDF Form Click Link Below Sutton – Wall Street and […]

Listen To The Program On Mixcloud Watch On YouTube Watch On Bitchute Truth About The Two Parties System By John Adams Writings Of John Adams To Join The Party Adams Would Support, Click Image Link Below To Make A Donation To Ordo Militaris Radio TV: Address Your Check To Ordo Militaris Inc, In The Memo […]

Listen To The Program On Mixcloud Watch The Program On YouTube Watch The Program On Bitchute Scotland Scottish Bill Would Criminalize Hate Speech, Even In Your Private Homes France The Greek Orthodox Priest who was shot by a Muslim today at #Lyon has been named:#Nikolaos #Kakavelakis. https://t.co/66oLGXIyoK — Ordo Militaris Catholicus HQ (@MilitarisCath) October 31, […]

We will get into the feast day of All Souls Day and Then On Sunday, All Saints Day and how it differs from Halloween and everything else.