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Author: AJ Baalman

Page: 79

We continue the life of Robert E. Lee, this time at the start of the Civil War

We return to Sutton’s work and exposing Wall Street and Their Crimes Against Humanity

Tuesday’s Program, we will get back onto Christian Politics.

Listen On Mixcloud Watch On Bitchute #Azerbaijan/i invited& #Turkey-sponsored terrorists are ending up at the gates to #Artsakh! #NagornoKarabakh #StopAzerbaijanAgression #WeWillWin #ՀԱՂԹԵԼՈԻԵՆՔ https://t.co/3NqDXWhkE5 — Tigran Mkrtchyan (@TMkrtchyan) October 3, 2020 #UN high-level independent expert @Alfreddezayas saying the truth.#Aliyev should be punished for many heavy crimes against #Artsakh/#Karabakh people. https://t.co/sfhPl4v6ig — Artak Beglaryan (@Artak_Beglaryan) October 3, […]

On Saturday, we will be doing the show on Lepanto.

Update On The News From The War Zone Between Armenia and Azerbaijan

On Friday, we will learn about the real Saint Francis and that he encouraged the preaching of the Crusades.

Tomorrow, we talk about Transforming America Into A Christian Republic

Next Monday, We Talk About The Update In Terrorism Around The World.

Thursday, we will come out hard against Wall Street and their funding of Adolph Hitler and their taking part in Nazi activities which committed Crimes Against Humanity