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Author: AJ Baalman

Page: 82

Watch The Show Listen To The Show Right now, there are two classes of Group Think, go against either one, you are attacked. The Never Trumpers or the MAGA Faithful.  Rightly and justly criticize certain things President Trump is doing poorly, you get called a Never Trumper by everyone, even though you voted For Trump […]

We again bring you each Monday updates on Terrorism and Christian Persecution News Stories Not Shared In The Main Stream News Media.

Kansas Governor Signs Emergency Executive Order For State Wide Masks Truth About Wearing Masks Mandatory Masks Aren’t About Safety, They Are About Social Control Watch The Show Listen To The Show [asp_product id=”478″] Views: 81

I wanted to give you an update on what happened in Saint Louis Missouri, and one young brave priest, Fr. Stephen Shumacher, stood alone before my uncle’s statue and told the mob the Life Of St. King Louis IX.  Read more at Gateway Pundit. Listen To The Show Tomorrow Morning, 7:40 AM To 9:40 AM, […]

We knew somethings about inflitration by the Communists under Stallin after World War Two and Possible Infiltration by the CIA, but to have it confirmed the CIA did inflitrate the Church, but that clergy turned spies for the Nazi Regime is bone chilling. Tune in Next Saturday to learn more.

On Thursday, we will go through the events at Fatima, the messages, the secrets; then we will go through Our Lady Of Akita and learn about those events and messages, then see how they are both united and very important today.

Watch Today’s Show Listen To Today’s Show By viewer request and we touched upon it somewhat in Who Is Father Malachi Martin?  It would be interesting to go through his life and learn more about him, who should of been our Holy Father. Who Is Giuseppe Cardinal Siri? When did he become a priest and […]

Listen Today’s Show Watch Today’s Show On Tuesday, we will cover what actually is authentic Christian Manhood, it has nothing to do with smoking a pipe, smoking a cigar, drinking scotch or bourbon, dressing like you are in the 1950s or looking buff or chiseled. What is true Christian Masculinity?  When did the Age Of […]

We go back to our roots and begin to cover stories no one, except a few cover properly, and that is Terrorism. We will give a weekly update on any and all Terrorism related news; Islamic, Antifa, BLM, and what is going on in India. Tune in to this new weekly program.

In today’s show, we cover the fast breaking news on Holy Father Pope Benedict, any more updates about the Regensburg Trip and his quick trip back to the Vatican. Then we go through and search about the truth of who was the real King Arthur.