Author: AJ Baalman
Page: 90
Br. Alexis Bugnolo, Editor of From Rome Info, will be on with me in a regular basis. He will also announce it when we go live on Radio.Co and begin the station on news website From Rome Info and Ordo Militaris Inc, to help get some speakers and other hosts lined up to join us. […]
Listen To The Show Watch The Show A mystery that still has people asking questions about the death of General Patton and a mystery that still we in our family want to know the answers to, my grandfather, on my dad’s side, Tech Sargent Harold J. Baalman head mechanic in the 3rd Armor Division […]
What are revolutions? Are they dangerous? How destructiveness are revolutions? In this show we will go through the French Revolution, American Revolution and the October Revolution, and see how destructive and dangerous revolutions are.
Watch The Show A very interesting man and priest, many in the Traditional Catholic Circles recommend him and I am working through his huge and serious work, Windswept House, and I need to return to it and keep reading, even though some of it I had to put down due to how evil the […]
What is MK ULTRA? A real mind control program by the CIA that is still going on. Two Videos You Must Watch, Caution, very explicit content, not made for children. First One: Out Of Shadows The Second One, The Minds Of Men; this one goes with Out Of Shadows, but focuses totally on the program MK […]
Why does it seem like the Political Left is always connected to some form of Terrorism or Terrorist Group? It is our first show topic in our return to radio and find out the answers to these important questions.